Executive Coaching
One-on-one counsel for executive leaders on various aspects of foundation management.
Board and Staff Training
Group sessions designed to share best practices and identify essential opportunities for improvement.
Campaign Consulting
Customized counsel featuring real life scenarios and methodologies with demonstrated results.
Capacity Building
Analytical approach to specific strategies for increasing philanthropic potential.
Strategic Aligning
Expert guidance for executing successful major gift and campaign initiatives.
Nonprofit Management
In depth conversations about the varied aspects of running a highly effective organization.

High performance philanthropy can only be achieved by those who are well-trained and understand the best practices of the industry. As a career fundraising specialist, my goal is to inspire and empower staff, volunteers, and board members for all types of not-for-profit organizations to raise funds enthusiastically and passionately - at maximum levels - in support of their missions.
Debra A. Gill, FAHP, CFRE, MPA
Chief Executive Officer / Founder
Alliance Philanthropy, LLC was launched out of a sincere passion to offer philanthropy professionals a consulting partner with a diverse range of experience and expertise who can genuinely help improve performance.
When I was 16, I sold 56 cases of lightbulbs for my high school drill team, igniting a fire that would turn into a lifetime love of philanthropy. Always known for the gift of gab, I received my bachelor’s degree in Speech Communication followed (many years later) by a master’s degree in Public Administration.
I officially entered the field in the mid-1980’s as an event specialist for the National Multiple Sclerosis Society in Seattle. Surviving several years of “a-thons,” I transitioned into major gifts and campaign management for my alma mater, Montana State University. These experiences well prepared me for building a foundation from the ground up while serving as the senior executive for Bozeman Health Foundation for nearly 17 years.
During that time, I was gratified to obtain my CFRE and FAHP – both challenging and rewarding professional certifications. After successfully leading a campaign during the recession, I moved into a 7-year philanthropy consultant role as Senior Vice President, Western Division Director for Ghiorsi & Sorrenti, Inc. (GSI) prior to launching Alliance Philanthropy in 2021.


1359 Larkin Lane, Kalispell, Montana 59901
406 580.2607